Mile High 25 On The Fly Results!
Here are the top 10 results from this past weekend's 25 On The Fly fishing tournament. Riversmith would like to congratulate Team "Fish Bois" who won with a whopping 3700 points and 17 species in the net. Also a big shout out to team "Mr. Steal Yo Fish" for a second place win, 3190 points, and 14 unique species - and for those results - winning two (2) River Quiver 4Bangers!!
Full results for all 37 teams are at the bottom of this post.

We'd like to thank the 25 On the Fly organizers and all of the other sponsors including Orvis. Also a big shoutout that proceeds from this event are being donated to Denver Trout Unlimited for there efforts to help preserve and protect Denver's South Platte River. DTU's mission and vision is for the Denver South Platte from Chatfield Dam to 120th Avenue to become a healthy, urban river with a multi-species gamefish fishery.
Full results:

Next up, check out The Lonestar 25 On the Fly being hosted by the Dallas, Texas Orvis Store being held October 7th & 8th 2023. Riversmith is a proud sponsor of this event as well.
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