4 bolts & 1 locking bit on a white background
8 bolts & 1 locking bit on a white background

Standard Mount Locking Bolt Sets

Regular price $39.99
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River Quiver Mount Lock security hardware is available as a premium upgrade to further secure your River Quiver fly rod holder. 

We doubt many people will have the time or tools to remove an entire River Quiver from your vehicle, but if you want added peace of mind the River Quiver Mount Lock Kit is for you. It is designed with a custom molded tamper-proof bolt and a unique driver coded to match. These are offered in standard length and an extended option adding 1'' to use if you have used a spacer kit with your River Quiver fly rod holder or over-sized crossbars.


 2-Banger Set Includes: 4x Standard Mounting Bolts

 4-Banger Set Includes: 8x Standard Mounting Bolts


Complete Your Kit

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
William Stevens
Neat lockdown

Reminds me of wheel locks on cars use them with special driver to mount cap screws

Kevin Lefebvre
A needed accessory

These are a needed accessory. I only wish they came with the rod holder.

Thomas Andrews
Should be included but worth the extra cost

The locking screw bolts for the River Quiver are worth the cost, decreasing concern of theft in those unexpected places when you’re asleep at a wayward hotel near the river. Keep a flathead ratchet wrench with the bit in your vehicle along with the second key, and you’re good as gold.

Scott Taylor
Good idea; doesn't work so well.

The locking bolt set is a great idea. However it is difficult to get the bit to seat and stay seated in the bolt. I'm using the Riversmith ratchet and have another as well. There's just not much room to work in there. I'm considering either going back to the standard 4mm hex bit that I didn't get with the ratchet, or spending another $250 to get the quick release mounts, which means I'll probably have to invert the River Quiver so I can open the rear hatch on my SUV. Frustrating!! BTW I love the River Quiver itself.