Or… Exactly the trip you need….
By @will_rize
If you’re not fortunate enough to live close to a river where Pacific steelhead return in the summer and winter seasons, the most efficient and productive approach to catching this species is probably through a guide service or a lodge experience.

View From Above
Do-it-yourself (DIY) steelheading is another option, but it might not be for everyone.
Let me take that back: DIY steelhead fishing can be an absolute, painful, and unrewarding grind.
According to Pacific Salmon Foundation, “large steelhead can weigh over 30 lbs and measure 45 inches in length, but most weigh between eight and 20 lbs. Steelhead are similar to Pacific salmon in many ways but for one glaring exception: they can be repeat spawners. Steelhead are most likely to be found in eastern Pacific waters.”
I think the four words “most likely to be found” are pretty important here. Steelhead have earned the moniker “the fish of 1000 casts” – because they are not easy to find. Think select rivers that meet the Pacific Ocean in northern California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia north to Alaska.

Steelhead Live in Pretty Places
They can be especially hard to find when you are doing-it-on-your-own. Here are a few hot tips from my DIY steelhead notebook:
- Not efficient. From my experience, DIY steelheading includes a lot of time spent trying to find places where other anglers are not fishing. This means more time on foot trying to hike into those hard-to-reach runs, and less time actually fishing.

- High anxiety. A lot of the areas to fish are also shared by bears. My anxiety level usually starts off pretty high and then recedes… a false sense of security? Not sure. Bear spray? You better believe it.
- Not a lot of feedback. Simply put, you can spend a lot of time on the water swinging wet and dry flies without moving a fish, getting a grab, or getting a fish tight on your reel. This lack of feedback is not for everyone – and has been known to drive people… well… a little crazy.

- Not productive. I spend quite a bit of time thinking 'this water looks good… I can imagine a fish or two holding in this run.' This is very different than fishing with a seasoned professional guide who can say with a high level of confidence… 'fish love holding in this run.'

A Juicy Looking Steelhead Run
But… when things do come together there is nothing that feels more rewarding than catching a steelhead on your own.
On a recent DIY steelhead trip, my buddy and I bushwhacked down a steep overgrown bank toward the river.
“Hey bear… hey bear,” he called out loudly.

Actual Bear Sign
“Hey big bear!” I echoed.
This time we brought single-hand rods as well.

Skating a Dry Fly For Steelhead
“If there is a shot to get one on a dry fly… this is it,” my buddy said.
Long shot? Bad odds? Mildly nerve-wracking grizzly bear anxiety? You betcha. All of the above.

And for some reason, that’s why I keep going back for more.
Editors Note: Stay tuned for a full gear review of the new Convoy Duffel that supported this most recent trip.
Good accurate story & a beautiful Steelhead.
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