"This travel bag is currently one of the most impressive and well-designed products for destination travelers on the market." - Yellow Dog Fly Fishing
We know that when you are travelling to far-off destinations, having your fly fishing gear arrive as intended is important. It’s more than important – It can be the difference between a trip-of-a-lifetime and a colossal failure. The Convoy Travel Pack was designed for the angler who travels obsessively and extensively. This backpack is innovative, durable and functional - ensuring that every aspect of your journey unfolds seamlessly.
Check out a few key features below:

"This travel bag is currently one of the most impressive and well-designed products for destination travelers on the market. Whether you're exploring remote rivers, saltwater flats, or embarking on international fishing adventures, this purpose built fly fishing travel backpack ensures that every angling expedition is executed flawlessly. This pack is designed for hardcore travel." - Yellow Dog Fly Fishing
Featuring crush-proof storage compartments for 2-3 9ft 4pc fly rods in tubes, or 6 plus fly rods up to 10ft 4pc in rod socks, along with corresponding reels, this backpack provides unparalleled protection for your valuable fishing gear, keeping it safe from damage during travel. Constructed from water-resistant fabric and featuring water-resistant construction, this backpack offers protection against the elements, ensuring your gear stays dry wherever you are going.

At Riversmith, our focus is to protect what's really important - your time, your gear, and your experience on the water. The Convoy Travel Pack is available for order and delivery today.
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