Words and Images by Ambassador Eric Braker

Eric uses a Standard Black River Quiver 2-Banger on his East Coast adventures
Brook trout are what we call an “indicator species.” Which means that they are fragile and require a pristine environment to live and thrive.

Salvelinus fontinalis - or more commonly known as a brook trout - is native to Eastern North America in the United States and Canada
This makes them an important fish for us to study in science and conservation, and on a selfish level, assures that you’re in some of the most magnificent environments when targeting them on the fly.

Eric Braker in the wild
Some may be confused by the allure of chasing a 5-inch fish, but after crawling through some rhododendron and making a bow and arrow cast towards a clear-water creek, it never gets old watching your dry get smoked as it drifts back towards you.

Stunning fall colors on the East Coast
Chasing these small and colorful mountain stream gems seems to be just that much sweeter when surrounded by a golden Fall landscape.
To learn more about Eric Braker or to read his full Ambassador profile CLICK HERE.
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